Isolation Art Mail began at the start of Covid-19. I wanted to connect people through a shared creative process and I remembered how much I enjoyed receiving pen pal letters as a teenager. I realised that we don’t really send letters anymore. I thought it would be great to create a kind of art chain mail, something that people can look forward to, a way to communicate and pay it forward, sending on to the next person. With over 100 subscribers, it turned into quite the project. It was great to be able to help in some way during difficult times. Click on the images to track their journey!



I felt it only right that I curate an art mail sequence with a wonderful selection of artists!

Radical Mail

Mailers used the activity as a way to share their voice, setting themes for their parcels. And discuss…

Love International

This one was a real game of chance. From UK > CAN > AUS > US. It made it all the way, but sadly is yet to return.

Fun And Games

Each art mail pack came with its own selection of games and prompts, ideas for how to interact with their fellow art mailers.

Missing Mail

Sadly, though to be expected, a few parcels went missing. Good job we documented the journey!

Love Letters

It’s the little things. The hidden surprise, the pull you in closer. The intricate moments that take you back to childhood.

Children & Families

This art mail pack transoformed from a sea life centre to a global call for action. The youth have spoken!


My favourite game. The perfect way to share words, the more nonsensical, the better!

Pick Me Ups

The best thing about this project was the notes of affirmation that went between art mailers.